We went over the hills to spend the day celebrating Christmas Ahlers style. Owen got to meet his Great Gramps for the first time.

Brendan got to see Gramps for the first time in awhile. One would think that I stuck poor Brendan on Santa's lap instead of Great Gramp's.

Obviously Cole has no fears.

Deal me up, Gramps. I can show you how Euchre is played.

Let the sun shine in.

There was a bad ass white elephant type gift exchange. I got a sweet 38DD bra and panties. I will cherish them always. I hope to grow into the bra some day.
Brendan was all about opening the presents. An art he perfected this year. He could care less what's under all that paper.

All the partying wore out Owen who needed to retreat to Linda's room for a cat nap. I had to take this picture and I must pick Linda a bit. Can you imagine the horror being a small child waking up to that face?!? Ok, so maybe that's not exactly where that was placed on her bed originally, but it was close enough to terrorize a half awake baby.