I talked to Owen’s eye doctor earlier this week about his lack of interest in his glasses. He literally rips them off the second they touch his face. We’ve tried everything we can think of to keep them on with no success. He wore them like a champ for the first six days. We made the mistake of bragging about it.
His doctor prescribed him eye drops that will dilate his eyes. The only way that he will be able to focus is to wear his glasses. Hopefully this will teach him to keep them on.
I was talking to someone about dilating drops and they told me that last time they had their eyes dilated it burned really bad. I didn’t want to burn his eyes so I tested the drops to make sure it didn’t burn. It didn’t. I went to bed that night and all was fine with the world.
I woke up the next morning and my eyes were still dilated. I went to work and my eyes were still dilated. I was able to borrow someone’s reading glasses so that I could at least see the computer enough to work.
Three hours into my work day and my eyes were still dilated. I finally called the eye doctor. I talked to his nurse who told me these aren’t your typical eye drops that they use when you have an eye exam. These are longer lasting. Longer…..like up to a week. One week. Maybe more.
As I type this my eyes are still dilated. And will likely be for several days to come. I have now acquired several pairs of reading glasses each with their own job. One helps me see the computer screen. One helps me see papers. One helps me see my phone. It’s that bad.
Did I mention that I have several more days of this to contend with? **sigh**
Go ahead….laugh at my expense.