We have entered the questions stage with Brendan. You know the one…where one answer just leads to another question and another and another. It drives me crazy! I try to give him far-fetched answers, but he doesn’t understand sarcasm yet so it just keeps going.
This was our conversation last night. I kid you not. Brendan: Mom, why are you washing your hands?
Me: Because they are dirty.
B: Why are they dirty?
M: They just are.
B: How did they get dirty?
M: I peed on them.
M: I don’t know I must be getting clumsy.
B: Why are you getting clumsy?
M: Because that’s what happens when you get old.
B: Why are you old?
M: Because I was born a long time ago.
B: Why were you born a long time ago?
M: Because the dinosaurs needed someone to play with.
B: What??
M: Nevermind.
B: Can we go see Benjamin tomorrow?
M: No, he’s too far away so we can’t go see him.
B: Can we go a different day?
M: No, but they will come see us in a few months.
B: When in a few months.
M: After Christmas.
B: What is Christmas?
M: It’s when Santa comes.
B: Oh yeah. I will open LOTS of presents.
M: Yep.
B: When is Christmas?
M: In the winter.
B: When is winter?
M: In a few months.
B: But it’s only summer now.
M: I know.
B: After summer will be the fall. What happens in the fall?
M: The leaves will turn colors.
B: Oooo, what colors will they turn?
M: Brown and yellow and orange.
B: Why do the leaves turn color?
M: Because they don’t get enough sunlight.
B: Why don’t they get enough sunlight?
M: Because the sun doesn’t stay out as long in the fall.
B: What will happen after the leaves turn colors?
M: I don’t know. What will happen?
(shocked that I turned the questions on him) I don’t know. What will happen?
M: You tell me, what will happen?
(thinking hard) The weather will get colder?
M: Yep
B: And the trees will shudder, shiver, and shake until all the leaves fall off.
(shocked by that descriptive answer) You’re right.
B: Can we rake up all the leaves into a pile so I can jump really high and land in them?
M: If you want to.
B: That will be so much fun.
M: Yep.
B: Why are you wiping your hands on that towel?
M: OH MY GOD! Go watch TV.