Last week Brendan had his 15 mos check up. He got his final shot. He's done until kindergarten. He's weighing in at 25 lbs, 7 oz and is 33 inches. He is officially one inch taller than Vern "Mini Me" Troyer, for all you Austin Powers fans. That bit of trivia makes me giggle.
While waiting for the doctor Jeremy was reading The Lion King to Brendan. They were just paging thru looking at pictures and Brendan asked Jeremy what something was. Jeremy told him it was a hyena. Hyena has been his new favorite word. The doctor said that he's right on track....and actually a bit advanced. As if we didn't know that.
Last week he got home and came to give me a hug. I told him I missed him and asked if he missed me. He said "uh huh". I thought it was just a fluke that he answered on cue. I asked if he was a good boy at Grandma's. He said "uh huh". He's too funny.
I don't have much for pictures, but here are a couple I took on our way to the Dells last weekend. They are really blurry. A disadvantage of taking pictures while on the road, I guess.

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