Friday, March 20, 2009

What a zoo

On St. Patty's Day, I took the day off work and we headed to the Milwaukee Zoo. It was a perfect day since it was 70 degrees. Brendan loved it much more this time. The last couple times we went, he was more interested in people watching than animals.

At each animal, he had to make the sound they did.

Apparently, the elephant was stinky so he had to shove his fingers up his nose.

He loved the fish aquariums. There were fish in there that were huge. He was amused and confused by that.

We needed a snack break.

Whe we were nearing the end, we let him out of the stroller to stretch his legs and roam free....well, kind of. Call it cruel, but the leash is perfect for him.

It was an exhausting day! He needed to rest on the stroll back to the car.

Thankfully, he was able to listen to his tunes on the ride home.

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