Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Adventures of Cole and Brendan

After a nearly three week hiatus, Brendan and Cole were reunited. They got to spend the day together at Grandma's on Friday. Then, since Uncle Tony was putting together Brendan's new playset (which I did not take ANY pictures of. What was I thinkking?) they got to play on Saturday while Papa helped Tony. It has been a really long time since Cole was at the house and Brendan was so excited and eager to show off.

Apparently, the world is their stage....er, or my coffee table is, I mean. They were performing for Tina. She was VERY impressed with their mad dance skills. Or jealous, if you must. She thought she had the cool moves. She was sadly mistaken.

Here are a couple of Cole that I found to be enjoyable from a few weeks ago.


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