Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Joy of Little Horses

Meet George and Spanx. They traveled far with Joy, Mallory, and Kevin to visit for the day. Brendan is going to be mighty ticked when he returns to Gramma and Papa's and realizes the horses weren't there to stay.

I think that Spanx is a relative of Tina Turner. Check out that do.

Brendan was in horse heaven.

He loved feeding the horses. Eventually, he would give them a few pieces of hay and nibble on one himself. He didn't quite get why is was supposed to be do delicous and was willing to let the horses have their snack.

As you can tell by the death grip on Papa, Cole was not overly amused by the horses. Brendan is thoroughly confused my that notion.

Even Maddy got in on the action.

While Brendan loved the one on one time with the horses, he had no interest in a ride from the horses. It took a lot of persuading to get him to go for a ride. Of course, once he started he didn't want to quit.

And of course, there was just some good old fashion playing outside.

1 comment:

AWeinshrott said...

Love this blog! That was a good time! Although I think Maddy thought they were dogs. ;)