Monday, July 27, 2009

Boys just wanna have fun

The last few days have been anything but fun. However, the boys continue to amuse us. Here are some pictures from over the course of the last few days. I will have Jeremy blog about what is actually going on later tonight. In the meantime, enjoy....

Who the heck is that?!?

I have to get a closer look.

Owen at his last feeding today. I believe he is plotting something evil.

Brendan yesterday. This was about the only glimmer of a good boy we saw all day. He was pure evil, but who can blame him being trapped in a hospital for days on end.

Trying to escape on the car ride home???

1 comment:

Sarah Pierce said...

Cute pictures! I love reading your blog b/c somehow through all of this you guys have maintained a great sense of humor. Makes me smile! :)