I've been straying from the every two hour feeding schedule because it's too hard. By the time he was done eating it was practically time to start again. Owen is doing really well with bigger feedings a little more spaced out. Trying to feed him every two hours like clockwork, entertain Brendan, and finding time in between to pump was brutal.
This is Brendan chatting with Owen Sunday morning. I don't think he realized I was witnessing this.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I use TV as a survival tool. If it wasn't for Backyardigans, Dora, Diego, and Mickey Mouse feedings and pumping would never happen.
Brendan doesn't typically get too close to Owen. He will watch but doesn't want to touch him. He did help me lotion Owen's feet yesterday. He thought it was fun, but looked like he might be peeing himself at the same time. He is always very curious when it comes to diaper changes. I know you are going to be shocked by this, but the other day he pointed out Owen's penis as we were changing him. Then looked concerned by the whole Vaseline thing. I didn't explain, I just went on about my business. I didn't feel the need to explain a circumcision to him. Sunday morning I was in the kitchen and Brendan was talking to Owen. I kept hearing him say over and over "Penis, penis". I ignored and went about continued with what I was doing. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks what he was proclaiming. I turned around to find Brendan with the jar of Vaseline and a handful of it that he was snacking on. Oh yes. I took the Vaseline away, cleaned him up, and we went on with our lives.
Yesterday I was feeding Owen and Brendan was sitting on the other end of the couch watching TV with us. He was enjoying himself and being an angel. Or so I thought. I glanced over to find him with the damn jar of Vaseline again. Really? It can't possibly taste good that you'd go back for seconds. Apparently to him it does.
Today I finished changing Owen and was getting his bottle ready. When I came back in the room I found Brendan with the Vaseline yet again. This time he wasn't hungry. Apparently his skin was very dry and only Vaseline could help. His hair needed some conditioning too. Vaseline does not come out of hair easily. Today we are going to attempt again to remove it using cornstarch. Wish us luck. The Vaseline is now out of reach.
These pictures make it look a lot better than it really was.
LMAO! I love the vaseline.
HAHA! I feel your pain with th Vaseline! Except my toddler coated the 3 month old with it. You can also try Dawn dish detergent. It helped with my situation....
Note for future reference: Put away all Sharpies, or your baby might get some artistic, new, black, permanent marker facial hair.
Meghan, I already discovered the Sharpie problem. Brendan colored on his leg and computer desk earlier this week. I did try Dawn dish soap but it didn't seem to help. We'll try again today.
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