FUGS. As in Fugly. As in f-ing ugly. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't mean it. He started calling him that pretty early on and the more I yelled at him for it, the more he persisted. Now, it's kind of stuck. I don't join in on the festivities, but Brendan does on occasion. I don't think he quite gets it. I don't think he even gets that he's referring to Owen, but every now and then he will walk into the room and call out "Hey Fugs!" True story.
On Saturday me, Brendan, and Owen all packed into the car and headed to north to Julie's house for pictures. Remember Julie? I gave her a shout out in THIS blog.
Here are some pictures of Fugs from this weekend. Brendan's pictures will most likely come next week. Julie has a full week of sick kids, last minute Halloween costumes, and Miley Cyrus concerts.