A couple weeks ago it was nap time. He didn’t think it was. I laid him down and all was right with the world. A few minutes later I see fingers under the door and I hear a little voice telling me “I hungry.” Knowing he didn’t eat lunch well, I thought he might really be. I let him out, gave him some cheese and a banana that he ate ever so slowly, then escorted him back to bed.
A few minutes later I see the fingers again and hear the little voice. This time it was“I pooped”. Grrrr….I go in equipped with diaper and wipes ready to conquer the mess. There was none. I was ready to kill the little con artist. I tucked him back in retreated to the living room. I heard him chattering in there to himself for awhile.
Pretty soon I hear the voice again. “I hold Owen.” He never asks to hold Owen. Never. I told him to go back to bed. He pleaded “I hold Owen. PLEASE….mommie dearest.” I continued to stand my ground and ignore him. He begged even more. “I hold Owen. Pleeeeeaaaasssseeeee.” “Pictures!!”
What the heck? The child who avoids the camera is volunteering to take pictures? While holding Owen? This can’t be. I’ll call his bluff. I set him free and told him to go sit down and I’d get Owen. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed Owen and the camera knowing this would never work. I set him down and propped Owen next to him waiting for the dreaded “All done”. It never came. He actually sat there and let me take pictures. Not great ones, but pictures nonetheless. And Owen kind of cooperated too.
I took several pictures and when I was done, Brendan asked for more. I told him we had enough for now and took him back to bed. This time after I tucked him in and snuck out I did not hear the little voice again.
These are a few of what I got that day….

Thank you for checking in regularly and letting me entertain you with pictures and stories. We’ve said before and I’ll say it again thank you, thank you, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers this past year. We can’t thank you enough.
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have a safe, happy, and healthy 2010!
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