Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Me and my shadow

From the time that Jeremy gets up in the morning (or gets home from work) until bedtime he has a constant attachment. It's like a tumor only bigger. We call that tumor Brendan. If Jeremy opens a book, Brendan is right there. Most of the time with his own book that needs reading. Occasionally, like below, he will let Jeremy read while he reads himself. But, that doesn't last long before the attention must be diverted from the book to him.

One of his new favorite past times is coloring. Of course, his idea of coloring is for us to color while he is in charge of what colors we are allowed. Sometimes the coloring includes drawing...either with his colors or on the Aquadoodle. He barks out orders on what to draw. It usually goes something like this.

"Draw dog"

"Draw cow"

"Draw cowboy"

"Draw cowboy glasses"

"Draw fish"

"Draw fish glasses"

"Draw fish hat"

Most everything ends up with a hat and glasses. This goes on and on and on and on. He has not caught on that my horse or cow or dog or cowboy all look pretty much the same. At least with Jeremy, who can draw, you can differentiate. This is the conversation I heard the other night.

"Draw mom"

"Draw mom hair"

"Draw mom glasses"

"Draw mom Halloween" (sidenote: I learned later that draw whatever Halloween means make a scary mouth---like a Jack o lantern. You're welcome. We should all be schooled on Brendan's own little language)

"Draw mom hat"

"Draw mom boob"

Yes, after months, we are apparently back to boobs.

1 comment:

Molly said...

HAHAHAHAHA april I love you.