(Owen in his Easter duds)
Owen's growing like a weed. He's tall and skinny. When I weighed him last week he was up to 18 lbs, 5 oz. I've never measured to see how tall he is. We go in for his 9 mo check up later this month so we'll find out then.
Owen and Brendan both had eye appointments last week. When Brendan was little his eye turned in a bit so we started taking him in. His eye corrected itself before we ever went in for the first appointment. He was far-sighted so they had him come back for another exam after six months. It had improved too but he had to go back after a year. The doctor said that his eyes are great and he doesn't have to go back until he is four.
Owen's eye turned in too so we took him in. Unlike Brendan, his has not corrected itself. He is also far-sighted like Brendan. We walked out of that appointment with a prescription for glasses. He got his new specs this week. He has to wear them for six months. After six months if it hasn't corrected itself, the doctor said we'll discuss patching his eye or surgery. He goes back in June for another test.
We had an appointment a few weeks ago with a Developmental Pediatrician. She told us that Owen's upper body tone is a little low. She said that the tone in his trunk it too high which is why he wasn't sitting yet. When you try to put him in a sitting position, he tries to extend his body to stand or lay flat. She suggested physical therapy at least bi-weekly. We are actually working on doing it weekly. One week in Reedsburg with a Physical Therapist and/or Occupational Therapist and the next week with Birth to Three. After three weeks of working with him he is sitting on his own for short periods of time. Sometimes he needs a little bit of support, sometimes he needs none at all. He's not totally sitting on his own but he's made major improvements after just three appointments (and us working with him at home).
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