Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
In our arms for a moment, in our hearts forever...
I've been wanting to put this together since before Noah's funeral, but haven't had a chance until now.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Uncle Tony
Friday, May 20, 2011
Angels Among Us
That was a recent post on Alicia’s Facebook. We have said over and over how remarkable people have been the last two weeks. Our family has been a part of the New Lisbon area in some form or fashion for many, many years. I have seen people come together for different people in times of need but I don’t know that you can fully appreciate it until you are on the receiving end of it.
I watched people in amazement from the time we sat at the hospital how kind people can be. I’ve heard stories of the First Responder who ran to the scene because it would be faster to run the few blocks instead of wasting any time getting in car, the dispatchers who tried to keep things as calm as they could while giving instructions on what to do all while putting out the call for help, the nurse who stood silently in the corner waiting to help in any way she could, the coroner who has to been extraordinary since the minute she walked thru the door of the hospital, the funeral director and his daughter who were awesome. I know that it is their “job” but no one has ever acted that way. It’s a small community so everyone knows each other and they acted as if they were a part of the family (and some of them are in a way).
The day that Noah passed away I received emails, texts, and phone calls from so many people offering their condolences and willing to help in any way they could. There were people coming and going all week long who brought goodies or just stopped to give a hug. The funeral home was full of flower arrangements, plants, and trees. The card box was practically busting at the seam.
Yesterday group of people from New Lisbon hosted a brat and hot dog sale for Alicia and Kevin. There was a steady stream of from the time it started until the very end. They took some orders to local businesses who were unable to come up to eat but still wanted to participate. A lot of people showed up with boxes to carry orders back to people they work with. I’m pretty sure that half of Volk Field showed up to eat. They came pretty close to running out of food. Not because of their lack of planning, but because the turnout was unbelievable.
Manning the grill
Prepping to-go orders
Feeding the mob
There was a constant line
The kids probably would've stayed all day being pulled in the wagon or just strolling around the block
I personally would like to thank Jean, Glenda, Rose, Jeri, Dawn, The McDonald girls, Preston, everyone who put together the sale yesterday. I know there were a ton of people involved by donating items and actually working yesterday that I didn’t list off so thank you to all of you.
Today Alicia's co-worker's at Timberwood Bank are hosting another brat sale in Tomah.
I read another post on Facebook earlier today… "Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life that who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and cry with you when life hits you hard. The ones who love you no matter what. The ones that will be there when you call without question.”
It made me smile because it was posted by a friend of Alicia and Kevin’s who was by their side all week. Her and her husband were there to do anything they could to help out from cleaning house to mowing the lawn to just being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you Scott and Jennifer for everything you guys have done. Alicia’s friend, Tanya, was another one who has been great. She was there to do anything that was needed. Her and her girls spent a lot of time playing with Maddy. Thanks Tanya! Thank you Gina and Jamie for popping in for visits and for making everyone laugh. Thank you, Brent, for everything you have done. I assume that 65 kids went to the Brewer game and 65 returned because I never heard otherwise. Thank you Julie and Ruby for sending the prints of Noah’s newborn pictures. I could probably spend hours thanking people because there were so, so many wonderful people. And I’m sure that Alicia and Kevin could add to my list. Don't forget our families either who have been sending emails or phone calls checking in or sending goodie packages of chapstick just to make Alicia smile. You guys are all wonderful too.
I do not think that any of us can put into words how much we appreciate everything everyone has done. It’s times like this that make me proud to have grown up in such a great community.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Eulogy
I personally don't know how anyone can deliver a eulogy. It definitely takes a special person.
Shortly after we heard about what happened, Jeremy asked if he thought if Alicia and Kevin would like him to do a eulogy for Noah. I think that when he offered that he hadn't thought about how hard it would be. He did the eulogy for his grandma a few years ago and the words flowed. He had 75 years of stories to choose from. Plus, she was pretty remarkable so it was easy. Finding the words for Noah was harder. Not because he wasn't remarkable, but he because he wanted it to be perfect. And it was...

I asked to speak today to pay tribute to Noah. I consider it an honor to be given the opportunity to reminisce with you about the incredible gift that was bestowed upon us on Dec 17th, 2010. That gift was Noah Paul. When I was trying to decide upon the content for this speech, I honestly did not know where to start. What do you say about someone as precious as Noah? His time with us was so brief, yet the impact he made in all of our lives will be felt forever. It was my priority to paint an accurate portrait of a beautiful child and the family and friends that adored him.
When I think about Noah, I think of the way his light warmed everyone in the room. His chubby little frame possessed the cheeriest disposition I have ever seen in a child. If you were to ask anyone about the one trait that best described Noah, it would be happy. He was just thrilled to be saturated with the love of the people that surrounded him and this was reflected in his behavior.
Noah thrived on the attention he was given…and there was always an abundance of it to be received. Everyone clamored to spend time with that remarkable little boy. I found it so enjoyable to observe the way Noah was able to captivate his audience. It was amazing to see how much personality this little chub was able to display. When someone spoke to Noah, he heard every word that was said. Those large blue eyes made you distinctly aware that he was hearing what you were telling him. His attentive listening skills were enhanced by the enormous smile that emerged from between those chubby little cheeks. It was impossible not to feel an intense sense of joy and fulfillment in Noah’s presence.
Noah’s life was filled with love. Kevin and Alicia are two of the most involved and doting parents you will ever meet. I cannot recall an opportunity they have not seized to shower their children with their affections. Noah’s big sister Maddy Mae had nothing but the most genuine adoration for her little brother that she lovingly referred to as “Baby NORA”.She happily took on the role of his guardian and caretaker whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was very obvious that Noah’s grandparents embraced every moment they were able to spend snuggling and entertaining the incredible gift that was Noah Paul.His aunts and uncles would consistently find themselves flocking around that little bundle of joy. It was even more fascinating to see how interested his cousins were to be near Noah when he came to visit. Even though they are all very young, you could certainly have classified them each as “Noah’s little buddies”.Family friends also played a significant role in Noah’s life. No matter where he was, Noah was surrounded by the most genuine love and care at all times.
It would be easy to drown in the sense of loss we feel at Noah’s sudden departure. But when you take a moment to step away from the tragedy, you see that Noah lived a very complete life. There was not a second he spent with us that not was embraced to the fullest. The love Noah felt for us and we felt for him will endure an eternity. While his physical self is no longer with us, Noah’s light will always bathe a spot in the hearts of each of us who were blessed with the opportunity to spend time with him.
I would like to conclude today with a poem that I feel embodies the inspiration Noah has provided each of us. It is a loving reminder that Noah’s life will always hold a special place inside of us. This poem is entitled:
Don’t Think of Him As Gone
Don't think of Noah as gone away
his journey's just begun;
life holds so many facets
this earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how he must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of Noah as living
in the hearts of those he touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost
and Noah was loved so much.
God Bless You Noah, we love you.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Can't cry hard enough...
I am getting a ton of emails asking what people can do for Alicia and Kevin. And, the truth is, there's really nothing anyone can do. The offers are very much appreciated, don't get me wrong, but what they need the most is gone.
I have seen a lot of heartfelt and wonderful comments on Facebook tonight. It takes me back almost 22 mos in the blink of an eye. I love how great people can be. At the same time, my mind starts going 100 mph and I analyze things. The "everything happens for a reason" type comments almost infuriate me. I'm not saying I'm mad at someone for saying that because I know they mean well, but I have a very hard time grasping that concept in a time like things. I can't think of any reason that a parent needs to lose a child. I read where someone said that it's such an honor that God chose Alicia and Kevin to care for and love this baby for his four months on earth. Another statement that was meant well, but I can't understand how it's ok to fill someone's heart with so much love for someone then practically rip it out of their chest. I'm not trying to offend or start a debate of some sort. I'm just pissed . I'm mad that my sister has to go thru this. That anyone has to go thru this. I'm mad that something so horrific happened today and the world keeps spinning....there's still work in the morning, there's still laundry to be done, there's still puke to be cleaned up (well, for Tanya anyway). It's not fair.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest I'll leave you with these pictures from mid-March. I have been meaning to post them for awhile but have been slacking...
Owen and Noah were supposed to be BFF's...

When Owen saw Noah he had to give hugs. His hugs are usually followed by "awwww, nice..."

How can you accept losing someone so happy, smiley, chubby (his rolls had rolls!), and all around perfect?? Just look at that smile!

We really do appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much! Keep them coming.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Puppy Love
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Belated Easter
We survived Easter. Owen had some sort of flu Easter night but bounced right back.
We all decorated eggs.

The Easter bunny was lazy and didn't hide baskets this year. They were left out in the open.

Sadly Owen was up for almost an hour before he noticed. He walked passed several times.

Once Brendan was up, he noticed right away.

This is our sad attempt of a picture together with their baskets.

Before heading to Gramma and Papa's Brendan had to find the eggs the Easter Bunny hid in the yard.

We had an egg hunt with all the grandkids. Owen could care less. He was happy just wandering in the yard, but Papa tried his best to get him to pick up some eggs. He pretty much stood there watching my dad put the eggs in the basket for him. Why lift a finger if someone will do it for you?

Brendan is suddenly interested in climbing this tree. This is as far as he got.