I personally don't know how anyone can deliver a eulogy. It definitely takes a special person.
Shortly after we heard about what happened, Jeremy asked if he thought if Alicia and Kevin would like him to do a eulogy for Noah. I think that when he offered that he hadn't thought about how hard it would be. He did the eulogy for his grandma a few years ago and the words flowed. He had 75 years of stories to choose from. Plus, she was pretty remarkable so it was easy. Finding the words for Noah was harder. Not because he wasn't remarkable, but he because he wanted it to be perfect. And it was...

I asked to speak today to pay tribute to Noah. I consider it an honor to be given the opportunity to reminisce with you about the incredible gift that was bestowed upon us on Dec 17th, 2010. That gift was Noah Paul. When I was trying to decide upon the content for this speech, I honestly did not know where to start. What do you say about someone as precious as Noah? His time with us was so brief, yet the impact he made in all of our lives will be felt forever. It was my priority to paint an accurate portrait of a beautiful child and the family and friends that adored him.
When I think about Noah, I think of the way his light warmed everyone in the room. His chubby little frame possessed the cheeriest disposition I have ever seen in a child. If you were to ask anyone about the one trait that best described Noah, it would be happy. He was just thrilled to be saturated with the love of the people that surrounded him and this was reflected in his behavior.
Noah thrived on the attention he was given…and there was always an abundance of it to be received. Everyone clamored to spend time with that remarkable little boy. I found it so enjoyable to observe the way Noah was able to captivate his audience. It was amazing to see how much personality this little chub was able to display. When someone spoke to Noah, he heard every word that was said. Those large blue eyes made you distinctly aware that he was hearing what you were telling him. His attentive listening skills were enhanced by the enormous smile that emerged from between those chubby little cheeks. It was impossible not to feel an intense sense of joy and fulfillment in Noah’s presence.
Noah’s life was filled with love. Kevin and Alicia are two of the most involved and doting parents you will ever meet. I cannot recall an opportunity they have not seized to shower their children with their affections. Noah’s big sister Maddy Mae had nothing but the most genuine adoration for her little brother that she lovingly referred to as “Baby NORA”.She happily took on the role of his guardian and caretaker whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was very obvious that Noah’s grandparents embraced every moment they were able to spend snuggling and entertaining the incredible gift that was Noah Paul.His aunts and uncles would consistently find themselves flocking around that little bundle of joy. It was even more fascinating to see how interested his cousins were to be near Noah when he came to visit. Even though they are all very young, you could certainly have classified them each as “Noah’s little buddies”.Family friends also played a significant role in Noah’s life. No matter where he was, Noah was surrounded by the most genuine love and care at all times.
It would be easy to drown in the sense of loss we feel at Noah’s sudden departure. But when you take a moment to step away from the tragedy, you see that Noah lived a very complete life. There was not a second he spent with us that not was embraced to the fullest. The love Noah felt for us and we felt for him will endure an eternity. While his physical self is no longer with us, Noah’s light will always bathe a spot in the hearts of each of us who were blessed with the opportunity to spend time with him.
I would like to conclude today with a poem that I feel embodies the inspiration Noah has provided each of us. It is a loving reminder that Noah’s life will always hold a special place inside of us. This poem is entitled:
Don’t Think of Him As Gone
Don't think of Noah as gone away
his journey's just begun;
life holds so many facets
this earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
Think how he must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of Noah as living
in the hearts of those he touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost
and Noah was loved so much.
God Bless You Noah, we love you.
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