I can't believe that it has been a month since we lost Noah. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday, but other times it feels like forever. I think about him every day. Off and on all day long, really. I keep thinking if I think of him as often as I do, I can't imagine what it's like for Alicia and Kevin.
Tonight I was thinking about last day I saw him. Mom and Alicia were cleaning the basement, Dad was doing yard work, so I was playing with the kids. He woke up from his nap full of smiles which was typical. It was a nice day and the older kids wanted to be outside. Noah and I sat on the deck with Owen. Owen went back and forth between loving Noah and hating that he was having to share my attention with him. Noah would just smile at him like the kid was nuts. Owen was into tickling so he would tickle Noah. Owen's tickles are not enjoyable in any form or fashion, but even Noah seemed to know to play along and smile and pretend that it was. We got a few belly laughs out of him by tickling those thunder thighs while Owen tickled his belly. Owen believed the laughs were from his tickles.
We eventually went inside to watch a TV. Noah was right in the middle of anything the older kids were doing. He was a nosey little bugger and didn't miss a thing. He sat propped up on the bed between Maddy and Owen alternating between watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates and the kids. He lit up every time any of them moved because he thought they were going to talk to him. He had such a serious, almost grumpy look all the time, but was so darn happy. He made my heart melt. He still does. I miss those smiles. And those rolls. Oh, the rolls.

Apparently, Owen got bored and ditched us.
I came across this video the other day. I didn't know I had it. It's brief. It's rather boring. But, my God, it's priceless.
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