Monday, October 20, 2008

Don't you wish your Mommy could cook like mine...don't cha?

Mmmm, mmmm, good! Nothing better than mom's spaghetti. He has two new rules though.

1. He will NOT allow anyone else to assist in eating. If he can't feed himself, he's not eating. This is any meal. It's not limited to spaghetti.

2. He will NOT eat spaghetti noodles if they are cut up. The longer the better.

Note the handprint on the side of his head. Lovely!


JMT said...

This just further proves my point that it is him, not us.

Molly said...

i have several similar photos from when i was a baby. messy spaghetti is a rite of passage. and how dare you even try to assist sir brendan with his meals...don't you know he is a grownup!!

Unknown said...

Uncle Fester likes sketti! As D.R. would say...What a hot mess!

aweinshrott said...

Was the bib really necessary?