Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble, gobble, gobble

No Brendan pictures today.

We just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Turkey Day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snow Angel

We woke up to about three inches of snow. Brendan was feeling lazy and slept in. Why can’t he do that on the weekend? I woke him up when Jeremy was just about ready to leave for work. I changed his diaper, and threw on his hat, coat, and shoes to show him the snow before they left. I thought that since he was half asleep he wouldn’t care at all. He loved it. He took off in a dead run down the driveway. He took a tumble and I thought that would be enough to piss him off. Oh no, he giggled and rolled just like the dogs do. He got up and took off again. When he nearly reached the road, I scooped him up and dragged him in the house….kicking and screaming. It could be a long winter if he actually likes the snow. I don't like the cold, wet snow.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reading Rainbow

You have all seen proof of Brendan's passion for music, but it's a toss up which he loves or books. He will drag books around all day. The truth be told, when he's not looking we hide books from him because he's so obssessive about them. Come on, how many times can you look at the same book. Really? If he isn't sure about you, the sure fire way to his heart is with a book. True story. Ask my dad.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Bad Dad?

I was getting dinner ready tonight and Allie called to ask what time Jeremy would be there to pick up Brendan. Cole was ready to eat and she wasn't sure if she should feed them both. I looked at the clock and realized it was 5:30. I said something must've held him up at work, but I'd call to see how soon he'd be leaving. I called and asked where he was. Here is how the conversation went...

Me: "Where are you?"
Jeremy: "Right up the road."
Me: "From mom's?"
Jeremy: "No, home." With a tone like he was thinking I am a complete moron.

There was a brief pause before it hit him. He left work, jumped in his car, and headed home completely forgetting poor, sad Brendan was waiting for him at my mom's.

In his defense, we are out of routine today. Typically Brendan goes to Sue's on Thursday, but there was a change of plans and he went to mom's. Apparently the anticipation of watching Twilight tonight was too distracting.

How could someone forget this face??

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Girl Scout Honor

Yesterday I got a delivery of Girl Scout cookies that I ordered awhile ago and forgot about. Damn Girl Scouts. Brendan was being a bear so I bribed him with a Thin Mint. How messy could they be, really? Oh dear Lord, there was chocolate everywhere. I have no idea what possessed me to allow this outside of the confines of a high chair. The pictures don't really portray the true magnitute of the mess.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rub a dub dub

This is a video of Brendan playing in the tub. No one believes that he can smile and laugh. I thought it was time to post video proof.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Boogie down

These are a couple videos of Brendan shakin' his groove thing to two of his favorite TV themes. The Addams Family and Backyardigans. When he watches the Addams Family commercial he tries to snap his fingers. He just hasn't quite gotten it yet. When he is standing, he really gets the hips in motion. You can kind of see it in the second video.

I really need to convince him to have these dance parties in the day so we have a little more light to work with. Sorry, these are pretty dark.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

May the force be with you...

Brendan the comic book hero, sporting his Star Wars shirt?

Or not. I don't like these pictures. He looks like such a big boy. Where did the baby go?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do not disturb

The house can be on fire. There can be a stampede of elephants running thru the living room (which I realize makes not sense, but bare with me). If the Backyardigans are on, there is not much that can pull Brendan's attention away from the TV. Well, during the opening credits, that is. He sways and dances while they sing and dance.

Here is him watching it earlier today.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Decisions, decisions...

Big game this weekend, people. Packers vs. Vikings. Brendan can't decide who to root for. He has ties on both sides of the Mighty Mississippi. Here are a couple pictures of the wrenching decision he is trying to make.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack the vote!

Just a friendly reminder...don't forget to vote today!

If you are still undecided, maybe Brendan can help sway your vote.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Curious George

Nothing exciting to report. Just had to show off my fancy new jammies. Don't be jealous.