Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey Fugs!

Have I ever told you what Jeremy calls Owen?

FUGS. As in Fugly. As in f-ing ugly. Yes, he does. No, he doesn't mean it. He started calling him that pretty early on and the more I yelled at him for it, the more he persisted. Now, it's kind of stuck. I don't join in on the festivities, but Brendan does on occasion. I don't think he quite gets it. I don't think he even gets that he's referring to Owen, but every now and then he will walk into the room and call out "Hey Fugs!" True story.

On Saturday me, Brendan, and Owen all packed into the car and headed to north to Julie's house for pictures. Remember Julie? I gave her a shout out in THIS blog.

Here are some pictures of Fugs from this weekend. Brendan's pictures will most likely come next week. Julie has a full week of sick kids, last minute Halloween costumes, and Miley Cyrus concerts.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Three Months

Guess whose three months old already?!?

All this posing for the camera makes him sleepy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Party 2 year old style

Saturday was Brendan's big pirate themed birthday bash. A good time was had by all. Here are a few pictures from the party.

Brendan, waiting for his guests to arrive.

Blowing out his candles with a little help from his bud, Jack. (in case you can't tell, that cake has a treasure chest full of treasures)

Mmmmm, cake.

Most people hire creepy clowns or have pony rides for their birthday bash. Not us. Nope, we break out the luggage cart and let the kids go on rides. Classy, I know.

Brendan's new obsession is Yo Gabba Gabba. I am completely convinced that whoever came up with this children's program is higher than a kite each time they sit down to write to episodes. Or maybe I'm just wishing I am while it's on to numb the pain. Nonetheless, he got these little characters for his birthday and he has yet to put them down.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Ah, to be able to sleep so soundly.

In other news, Owen had a follow up with a doctor that was called in while he was still in the NICU. This doctor was called because of his excessive spitting which has now ceased so the appointment was pretty pointless. But, I did want to report that at that appointment, Owen weighed 11 lbs 4 oz which means he has officially doubled his birth weight.
At Brendan's two year check up the same day, after he told the nurse he was shy as we undressed him, he weighed in at 31 lbs and 36 2/4 inches long.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun...

This cute, pudgy little baby....
turned into a smart, rambunctious two year old in the blink of an eye!
Happy Birthday Brendan!

Birthday Boy

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Fun Day

Brendan was napping and Owen was entertaining.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a difference

...a couple weeks makes. Tonight Owen has been sitting in his Bumbo with very little assistance. There is a blanket behind him, not really so much to support his head, but more to fill in the space because he's still a bit too small for the Bumbo. If you remember, in late September he was giving the Bumbo a try but needed the Boppy to hold his head up.

I don't think we mentioned that we went back to see the Neurosurgeon (you know, Gramps Creeps) on Thursday. Owen tipped the scales at 10 lbs. We drove over an hour, waiting in the waiting room and exam room for a combined 25 minutes or so only to have Gramps come in for MAYBE 5 minutes. He felt the soft spot on his head and confirmed there is indeed still a soft spot. He said he is shocked and surprised at his progress and he will see us in two months. Yay! The next appointment with him in December will be an MRI, followed by an appointment with him, then Dr. Elmo. It's nice to be able to kill two birds with one stone.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Family Fun Day

We took a day last week while it was still warm for a family fun day. The pictures are kind of silly because they only reflect half the family. The other half was having their fun behind the camera. I was shooting away and Owen was sound asleep in his sling.

We went to the Deer Park again. Brendan's third trip of the season. He loves it though. After that we went to Ski-Hi Orchard in Baraboo. There are no pictures because by the time we got there Brendan was asleep. Everyone knows you don't wake a sleeping bear. I left them in the car and ran in all by myself. I love that place. I resisted the caramel apples and pies and just picked up some apples and apple cider. Yum.

As always, you must look cool when you go on an outing.

It always cracks me up how the deer follow. They really enjoyed Jeremy this time. At one point I turned around and deer were literally climbing him. It was quite funny. By the time I got the camera up, they were getting down though.
Brendan needed to rest for a moment.

Hi chickens!! That's what he's saying over and over.