Monday, April 19, 2010

Egghead Jr, Jr.

I said in my last post that Owen had to get glasses. So far, he's not at all bothered by them. I probably just jinxed us. He wears them from the time he gets up until he goes to bed, except for naps, with no fuss at all. He'll occasionally pull them off but I don't think it's on purpose. They just get in his way.

Do you remember the Foghorn Leghorn cartoons? Do you remember Egghead Jr? Jeremy thinks Owen looks just like him. What do you think?

Brendan says no. He said that Owen's a baby and that's just a little bird.

In addition to the new glasses, Owen has three new teeth. Well, two brand new ones this week, and one a couple weeks ago. He spends the day flicking his tongue on his pearly whites.

On a completely unrelated subject. Happy 40th, Julie! I added another toe picture just for you.


JMT said...

a toe picture while wearing baby legs, you can't get much better than that!

Unknown said...

OMG April. I love him. seriously by FAR the cutest little man to where glasses. EVER. I have thought he was insanely cute since BIRTH but now this!