Sunday, June 12, 2011

I love Lucy

Last week we got a text with a picture of three kittens asking "Which one would the boys like?" I think it was meant to be a joke, but when we got a little more info on the kittens we found ourselves in the car on they way to pick one up. What is wrong with us?? For the first time in years we are down to one cat. I think that Uma enjoys suffering from Only Cat Syndrome. The boys love her, but she isn't a huge fan of them. She isn't mean to them. She just tries to avoid them. She is almost 13 years old so she's turned into an old lady cat. She does enjoy some quality time laying in bed with Brendan, but as soon as she hears Owen coming she is gone.

Anyway, we didn't tell Brendan where we were going, just that we had a surprise for him. We got out of the car, took the kitten out of the box, and his face lit up. We handed her to him and they were instant BFF's. He sat in the car holding her while we visited. She never squirmed or tried to get away. We drove home and she slept on Brendan's lap most of the way.

We talked kitten names and Brendan decided on Lucy. (or Woocy in Brendan language) She was very calm and so tolerant of Owen. She was kind of spooked by him, but handled it pretty well. She adored Brendan. They slept together that night (and every night since). As he was falling asleep Brendan said "I love Lucy. Today was the best surprise ever."

Lucy is not photogenic AT ALL. And she looks scared in this picture because she was being stalked by the dog. Please excuse her crusty eyes. I cleaned them several times a day, but it seemed never ending that first week. She's better this week.

Lucy is a little saint and she loves the boys. Well, she loves Brendan. She tolerates Owen. She follows him from room to room. When we were outside playing she sat at the door crying because she couldn't get to us. She watched them take a bath the first night but hasn't since because there was too much splashing for her taste. She left the room dripping wet.

Owen loves her. He chases her all over. She does a pretty good job of hiding from him. For the most part he is only allowed supervised visits with her. He isn't mean to her, but sometimes he gets a little overexcited. I don't think I've said "remember to be gentle", "pet her softly", "not so rough" so many times in my life. He's getting better.

Most of the time she sits there and never tries to escape from him (I would!).

So, Lucy has moved in and it doesn't look like she is going away anytime soon. There would be two heartbroken little boys. Even the other animals are adjusting really well.

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