Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Houseguests

Meet Bella and Gabby. They have been our house guests for the past two weeks and a half weeks. They will be with us for another week and a half.

Usually, wherever you find one, you will find the other.

Amos wants to be their friend but he's not allowed. You catch him trying to bond with one of the girls but as soon as the other catches on to what is going on she chases him off. I'm not sure that Mulder has even noticed that they are here. Poor Lucy has though. They spend the day taking turns torturing the poor cat.

Poor Gabby was having a bad hair day. Thank goodness she got her haircut the next day.

Bella looking pretty.

I sent this picture to my Dad and asked if Gabby seemed homesick. He thinks she does. I think he's full of it.

Brendan said he doesn't want them to leave because they are his best dogs EVER.

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