Thursday, August 4, 2011

Questions and Answers

We have entered the questions stage with Brendan. You know the one…where one answer just leads to another question and another and another. It drives me crazy! I try to give him far-fetched answers, but he doesn’t understand sarcasm yet so it just keeps going.

This was our conversation last night. I kid you not.

Brendan: Mom, why are you washing your hands?
Me: Because they are dirty.
B: Why are they dirty?
M: They just are.
B: How did they get dirty?
M: I peed on them.
B: (appalled) WHY DID YOU PEE ON THEM?
M: I don’t know I must be getting clumsy.
B: Why are you getting clumsy?
M: Because that’s what happens when you get old.
B: Why are you old?
M: Because I was born a long time ago.
B: Why were you born a long time ago?
M: Because the dinosaurs needed someone to play with.
B: What??
M: Nevermind.
B: Can we go see Benjamin tomorrow?
M: No, he’s too far away so we can’t go see him.
B: Can we go a different day?
M: No, but they will come see us in a few months.
B: When in a few months.
M: After Christmas.
B: What is Christmas?
M: It’s when Santa comes.
B: Oh yeah. I will open LOTS of presents.
M: Yep.
B: When is Christmas?
M: In the winter.
B: When is winter?
M: In a few months.
B: But it’s only summer now.
M: I know.
B: After summer will be the fall. What happens in the fall?
M: The leaves will turn colors.
B: Oooo, what colors will they turn?
M: Brown and yellow and orange.
B: Why do the leaves turn color?
M: Because they don’t get enough sunlight.
B: Why don’t they get enough sunlight?
M: Because the sun doesn’t stay out as long in the fall.
B: What will happen after the leaves turn colors?
M: I don’t know. What will happen?
B: (shocked that I turned the questions on him) I don’t know. What will happen?
M: You tell me, what will happen?
B: (thinking hard) The weather will get colder?
M: Yep
B: And the trees will shudder, shiver, and shake until all the leaves fall off.
M: (shocked by that descriptive answer) You’re right.
B: Can we rake up all the leaves into a pile so I can jump really high and land in them?
M: If you want to.
B: That will be so much fun.
M: Yep.
B: Why are you wiping your hands on that towel?
M: OH MY GOD! Go watch TV.

1 comment:

Molly said...

hahahaha I love it!