We came home last night to sleep and are heading back to Madison soon. Brendan and Jeremy are still asleep. Yesterday after we were told that Owen may be sent home in the next week or so, we spent a majority of the day with him. We were able to feed him and he actually nursed once yesterday. I was convinced that would be a challenge but he needed no direction or encouragement. I've been skeptical about it because you have no idea how much he is getting.
There is a routine every time he eats. We have to take his temp, change his pants, remove him from the bilirubin blanket, bundle him up, and weigh him...if he is going to nurse. Once he is done eating we weigh him again to see exactly how much he got. I told Jeremy that once we get home I'm going to break out the meat scale to weigh him for my own peace of mind. :)
In addition to eating, he continues to have dirty diapers just like he should. It's really sad when there is a celebration in his room because he pooped. If you know Jeremy and his love for all things poop related, it's even better when Jeremy is leading that celebration.
The last feeding he was awake but not wide awake. We did everything we could to get him roused so we could play with him for a bit before we left but he had no interest. The hospital has volunteers that come in to hold the babies. So, as we were leaving, they brought in his cuddler. That little shit woke up for her and was interacting with her better than I've ever seen him interact. He was focused on every word she said. As she talked his little mouth was going like he was talking back. Talk about guilt trip!
Here are a couple pictures from yesterday. We kept the light pretty low in there so the pictures are pretty dark. You can see in the one that he is still pretty jaundice, but we are anxious to get back today to find out of it's dropped at all today. There is also a video from the other night of part of his first bath.

We are going to have to get Owen some new clothes. They can't just keep dressing the poor guy in the same thing. He needs to rock that plastic box he's living in.
I feel the need to shop :)
I need a job as a baby cuddler. I think Owen's going to be a player, already starting to charm the ladies.
First of all, there's just nothing, EVER, as heart warming as a new baby. He's beautiful!!! We are praying for all of you. Sadly enough, I'll be trying my damndest to be sitting on your doorstep the next time you hit home. I just need to hug you both, and then I'll feel better...here for you alway, as you've ALWAYS been for my!xoxo Amy
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