My sister, Ashley, flew home Sunday to meet Owen. We decided to bring her along to help out with Brendan when we were trying to do feedings. Brendan was not amused when Ashley held Owen.
It was a long day and Brendan was not on his best behavior. I think it's a lot for him to take in and being in a hospital setting is not helping. Oh, the fun we have ahead.
There really isn't anything new to report right now. Owen continues to eat well. They have him on a very militant schedule. They don't allow much variation from that schedule. I understand that, but it doesn't always work for him. If he's still sleeping they wake him to eat. That works fine when he's feeding from a bottle because he doesn't have to work too much for it. But for him to be able to nurse we need his full attention which we didn't really get today until we gave up and I'd pump. That's ok, something to work on.
There is still talk of him coming home SOON. Possibly by the weekend. Hopefully we will have more definite plans tomorrow. He has a bunch more blood tests to have run tomorrow. Honestly, I have no idea what for. The nurse said today that most of the results won't be in because they get sent out but they won't keep a thriving baby in the hospital waiting on tests.
His muscle tone continues to get stronger every day. His head is not very strong but stronger than it was yesterday. One day at a time.
Here are some pictures from today.
1 comment:
Do my eyes deceive me? Is that a hairline on Brendan's head?!?!
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