Friday, August 14, 2009

Frogs, snails, and puppy dog tails

The other night Jeremy was mowing our jungle yard and brought in a toad for Brendan. He said that while he was mowing he found a snake and figured bringing in the toad was better. Um, ok. Brendan has had an obsession with frogs for awhile now so he was quite pleased. They played with the huge "frog" for quite awhile. Brendan was in heaven but wasn't willing to hold it. Shoot, he barely wanted to touch it. It was time to release the creature after Amos snatched it up and tried to claim it for himself.

Last night Jeremy came in with yet another one. This time it was just a tiny "frog". Brendan was much more brave and was willing to touch it, hold it, and even pick it up. Oh, I'm so proud.

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